
How not to affect human health

Show When used in the context of human health, the Wi-Fi in the heart of people, concern and anxiety, has emerged and if it is safe. To like the idea of ??these on BBC Panorama program about the recent move. At the same time, they, some scientists have said that it has not been able to provide evidence that leads to finding unwell or Wi-Fi. Well, now, you will be able to find the unsubstantiated claims of these, to explore this sensitive issue and we will test it.

Some of the experiments were carried out to clarify the situation. Experiment, was a student of one of the schools in the UK. BBC Panorama program, argues that measurement was caused by the radiation safety of Wi-Fi and 600 times below the limit of government. Since BBC, radiation wireless network, so that three times as a mobile phone. On the other hand, I say that the authorities of radiation from mobile phones is very low, and Society. However, on the Web, the better they do not recommend that children use their computers to the knee when walking for a long time. There is discussion of a hot scientific basis. However, to let you know immediately if you want to compete. Now, we will tell you whether you laptop a little radiation. Then, continue to study, panorama school of Norwich. The experiment was carried out at school, shows the difference between wireless and mobile radiation. This means that the Wi-Fi signal is three times that of rolling radiation.

Please tell me what you mean the radio what actually. Wi-Fi is a system that uses radio waves of very low intensity. Compared to the right microwaves have a house every family, radiation is 100,000 times smaller than the oven and Wi-Fi. In addition, if you are sitting in front of the wireless network and laptop computer in years, for 20 minutes to have the same amount of radio waves, was talking on the phone. So, there is no evidence that the type of radiation, that have a significant impact on people's lives and health. However, we have to understand that radiation is present, are interested in how to calculate it we.

This is a relatively new scientific research. Therefore, research on the direction of this particular is still in progress. Can cause Fi - as found memos and records of some of the case of the other side effects of Wi or in injury, we our lives for more than a century, the Wi-Fi radio waves and In consideration of the fact that it is part of. This is an example of some of them being presented to the public here. The first person of low radiation on the chromosome of the gene suggests Professor Olle Johansson, Karolinska Institute, Sweden by. However, Professor Will J Stewart Royal Academy of Engineering is, and said in order to ensure that the people should be quiet, science, and to examine the impact of mobile phones on health was low as this . What is, they operate at a frequency of different radio, but power is very low.

In summary, British Telecom suggest that their opinions are divided into two camps. For others, the other half is a professional. Is somewhere in the middle the truth. However, at the same time sensitive issue, there are many advantages of the use of WiMAX. Of course, it's another story, and will be described later.

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